Upskilling building sector professionals, the linchpin for an effective renovation wave (EU Green Deal): showcasing CEN-CE scheme
Nearly 35 % of all buildings in the EU are over 50 years old, of which approximately 75 % are energy inefficient. Even though renovating existing buildings could substantially reduce energy consumption (by up to 60 %), only 0.4 to 1.2 % are renovated each year. Of those that are, just 15 % incorporate significant energy-efficiency improvements. This, is also because most of the building sector, including heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) professionals, lack the necessary skills to perform energy-efficient and low carbon renovations and retrofits. HVAC professionals play an important role in energy efficiency, especially in renovation where heating and cooling systems are replaced or upgraded first.

The EU-funded CEN-CE project has set up standard-based qualification and training schemes in energy efficient construction for heating and cooling professionals.
The CEN-CE training scheme is based on the Energy Performance of Buildings (EPB) standards set by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and are related to the European Commission’s Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). The European Commission charged CEN with the task of issuing standards to support the implementation of EPBD requirements.
Whereas some of these standards relate to the daily work of HVAC professional, others relate to upcoming challenges like global cost calculation and integrating renewable energy sources. That’s why simply providing training on individual technical topics is not enough and complementary training on transversal know-how is also needed.
CEN-CE developed training programmes covering both individual standards and ‘big picture’ issues like adopting a holistic approach to assessing a building’s energy performance towards NZEB buildings. Each training includes a presentation on the fundamentals of the standard, a handbook on calculation procedures, and an Excel-based tool for evaluating the impact of different parameters.
The training and qualification schemes are targeted towards middle and senior-level professionals. These training schemes equip architects, system designers and installers with the latest know-how in energy-efficient and low carbon building techniques and assessment at the international level.
Following the training, participants can take an exam to become a CEN-CE certified expert. Once complete, the participant will have their name added to the CEN-CE list of certified professionals. This list is publicly available, to easily find a qualified HVAC professional for building construction or renovation project.
The CEN-CE training and qualification scheme completes existing offers by equipping HVAC professionals with the know-how and skills they need to meet tomorrow’s challenges in building design and retrofitting.
- Introduction by the moderator: overview, practical information on participation (Q&A), etc.
- 12h05 - 12h15 – Johann ZIRNGIBL, Emilien PARON, CSTB
- CEN-CE in a nutshell
- 12h15 - 12h25 – Jana Bendžalová, ENBEE
- CEN-CE certified experts
- 12h25 - 12h40 – Damir Dović, UNIZAG FSB
- CEN-CE training: why, how, what?
- 12h40 - 12h50 – Laurent SOCAL, SLR
- Professional tools integrating EPB standards
- 12h50 - 13h00 – Andrei Vladimir LIȚIU, REHVA
- CEN-CE online pilot training and Learning Management System
- 13h00 - 13h28 – Moderated Q&A
- Closing remarks by the moderator
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