EPB standards related projects introduced to attendees/learners during REHVA Brussels Summit - 04-05 November 2019 - Brussels, Belgium
REHVA, CEN-CE team member, disseminated information about ongoing projects facilitating and enabling the exploitation of the set of Energy Performance of Buildings standards at both national and EU levels during the 2019 edition of REHVA Brussels Summit.
REHVA, CEN-CE team member, shared information during REHVA Brussels Summit 04-05 November 2019 about ongoing activities in its EPB standards core workstream by disseminating the flyers (conference kit and welcoming desk) of the most relevant projects involved in:
- EPB Center - including the Service Contract ENER/C3/2017-437/SI2-785.185;
- ALDREN project;
- CEN-CE project;
- U-CERT project.
Furthermore, Johann Zirngibl (CSTB, CEN-CE coordination team), presented ALDREN project and included brief information about CEN-CE project, especially in terms of strategic partnerships, during the morning session "Building performance certification to bridge the finance gap". (download presentation)
This year's REHVA Brussels Summit Conference topic was "Delivering healthy, zero-carbon buildings by 2050". Around 100 participants representing key EU and national levels stakeholders from the buildings sector animated very lively discussions. A lot of work still to be done and all the teams of the above mentioned projects can highly contribute and are very much looking forward to playing their role in the buildings side of the European Green Deal implementation!
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