CEN-CE scheme presented during CEN TC 228 meeting - 03-04 September 2019 - Copenhagen, Denmark
The European Technical Committee for Standardisation CEN-TC 228 responsible for standards related to heating systems and water based cooling systems in buildings hold its annual meeting on 3rd - 4th September in Copenhagen, Denmark. 16 experts from 10 countries, representing industry, professional associations, universities and research institutes attended the meeting.
HVAC professionals play an important role in energy efficiency, especially in renovation where HVAC systems are often replaced or upgraded first.
As the objectives of the CEN-CE project are to set up a large-scale qualification and training scheme to increase the skills of HVAC professionals related to the new upcoming challenges (e.g. NZEB, use of renewables) and as the proposed training schemes are based on CEN standards related to the EPBD, the upcoming outcomes of CEN-CE project was presented during the annual meeting.
The objective of the presentations was to inform but also to have a round table discussion and get feedback on the three CEN-CE components of the training material developed for each standards: the presentation, the handbook and the calculation spreadsheet.
After a short presentation of CEN-CE project by the consortium leaders (Emilien Paron, Johann Zirngibl) the following three standards were presented as examples:
- EN 15316-4-2 Heat pump standard by Damir Dovic;
- EN 12831-3 Domestic hot water needs by Laurent Socal;
- EN 15459 Economic data by Jana Bendžalová.
The reactions and feedback on the presentation from the attending experts were very positive. The outcomes of the CEN-CE project could help a lot by increasing the applicability of the standards during the next revisions.
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