CEN-CE scheme introduced to attendees/learners of the World Sustainable Energy Days - 28 February 2019 - Wels, Austria


CEN-CE, EPB Center and ALDREN teams organised the “EU projects supporting EPBD implementation” workshop on 28 February 2019 at the European Energy Efficiency Conference during the World Sustainable Energy Days (Wels, Austria). Furthermore, CEN-CE scheme and EPBD related activities of these projects were presented in the plenary session. The World Sustainable Energy Days 2019 edition gathered more than 660 experts from 60 countries!

The main aim of this workshop was to inform the attendees/learners of World Sustainable Energy Days (Wels, Austria) about CEN-CE, EPB Center and ALDREN activities related to the implementation of the EPBD while also collecting feedback and validating the approaches. Furthermore, CEN-CE scheme and EPBD related activities of these projects were presented in the plenary session. The World Sustainable Energy Days 2019 edition gathered more than 660 experts from 60 countries!

Around 20 participants (building professionals, EU level organisations, public authorities, industry, universities) participated in the workshop. The fruitful knowledge exchange and triggered discussion were appreciated by both organisers and attendees/learners.

In brief, the presentations illustrated how CEN-CE, EPB Center and ALDREN activities are related to the challenges and new requirements of the revised EPBD:

  • CEN EPB Standards Certified Experts (CEN-CE) "EU-wide qualification and training scheme based on EPBD mandated CEN standards” promotes skills development and education in the construction and energy efficiency sectors focusing on heating, domestic hot water, integration of renewable energy sources, measured performance and cost calculation. An example was presented for measured energy according to EPB standards.
  • SC-ENER-EPBcenter "Support the dissemination and roll-out of the set of energy performance of building standards developed under EC Mandate M/480 – the EPB Center consultancy service” will assist Member States to describe their national calculation methodology following the national annexes of the overarching standards, namely ISO 52000-1, 52003-1, 52010-1, 52016-1, and 52018-1, (Annex 1 / point 1)
  • ALDREN “ALliance for Deep RENovation in buildings – Implementing the European Common Voluntary Certification Scheme, as back-bone along the whole deep renovation process” presented the application of the European Voluntary Certificate (Article 11, Annex 1) and the ALDREN Building Renovation Passport and renovation strategies (Article 19a).

For more details please check this article prepared by Johann Zirngibl, CSTB, France.


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Johann Zirngibl
R&D Projects Director