We welcome you to reach any of our project partners for more information about CEN-CE project and EPB Standards in general.
Cstb, France
Scientific and Technical
Centre for Buildings
CSTB is a public establishment in the construction sector, employing about 930 staff including ~500 engineers, researchers and experts in building science, technologies and advanced ICT. CSTB core business covers four main fields: research, technical expertise, quality assessment and knowledge dissemination.
Following a multidiscipline approach, it contributes to sustainable development challenges in the world of construction, innovation and problem solving for the industry, and to transfer knowledge and technology to the wider community, in France and beyond. It provides expertise to the industry at large, and disseminates R&D results through training and various scientific media to practitioners and social and public authorities. Its field of expertise covers construction products, buildings and their integration into districts and cities, through 5 scientific and technical programs: energy & environment; health and comfort; risk mitigation; digital technology; economics & usage, sectorial mutations and priorities.
Contact person:
Johann Zirngibl
CSTB, France
Avenue Jean Jaures 84
Champs Sur Marne
77420, France
Enbee, Slovakia
Environment & Building
Energy Efficiency
Consultancy and research company with focus on innovation and sustainable solutions bringing together experts with years of previous experience in the field of energy performance of buildings and in the technical and legal implementation of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) in EU and non-EU countries.
The main activities are focused on technical work and research in the field of energy performance and energy efficiency of buildings, energy certification, standardization, calculation methodology, cost optimality and life-cycle assessment, cooperation in international projects focused on energy performance of buildings and implementation of the EPBD. ENBEE cooperates with other companies and self-employed high experienced experts.
Contact person:
Jana Bendzalova
ENBEE, Slovakia
Palkovičova 5
82108, Slovakia
REHVA, Belgium
Federation of European Heating,
Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations
REHVA, the Federation of European HVAC Associations founded 1963 is an umbrella organisation connecting European associations in the area of building engineering services. Recently REHVA represent more than 100.000 HVAC engineers and technicians from 27 European countries. REHVA also has supporters representing the HVAC industry from overall Europe.
REHVA is the leading independent professional HVAC organization in Europe, dedicated to the improvement of health, comfort and energy efficiency in all buildings and communities. It encourages the development and application of both energy conservation and renewable energy sources. In these areas, REHVA has a significant impact on national and EU level policy making, Member State level implementation and research initiatives.
REHVA’s mission is to promote latest technologies, research, knowledge exchange and capacity building in the field of buildings energy efficiency and indoor environment quality, as well as to support the related EU policy development, and national level EPBD implementation. REHVA’s main profile is the dissemination of knowledge and promotion of new technologies in international events and through its member associations, which will be used also to promote the project outcomes.
Contact person:
Andrei Vladimir Lițiu
REHVA, Belgium
40 Rue Washington,
1050, Belgium
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering and Naval Architecture
UNIZAG FSB is a leading higher educational and research institution in the region covering wide range of research and teaching activities. UNIZG FSB consists of 13 Departments and it has approx. 400 employees. The Department of Thermodynamics, Thermal and Process Engineering and the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment provide technological solutions and expertise in various fields of process, thermal and power engineering, energy management and energy policies. During the last decade laboratory research activities have been directed to utilization of renewable energy sources with particular focus on: solid biomass combustion, solar energy utilization, solar cooling, solar and geothermal heat pumps. The 2 afore mentioned departments have established a strong international cooperation with EU universities and institutes trough exchange of researchers and projects financed by EC.
UNIZAG FSB has been certified since 2008 by the Ministry of construction and physical planning to provide education of energy performance certifiers and auditors of buildings. So far, more than 800 participants enrolled in training programs. Experts from the previously mentioned two departments developed national algorithms for calculation of energy performance of buildings according to relevant CEN standards. Following that, the government calculation software was recently developed in cooperation with the partner university. Experts from two departments were involved in development of the new CEN standards for energy performance of buildings calculations, accepted in 2017, within CEN/TC 228 (EPBD Mandate M/480 tender). The experts are also involved in development of technical regulation within the field of EPBD implementation in national legislative.
Contact person:
Damir Dovic
Ivana Lučića 5,
10002, Croatia
SLR, Italy
Socal Laurent Roberto
Established in 1980, the activity of SLR was focusing on the construction of oil heating systems for oil combustion systems. This involved both mechanical work (building the heat exchangers) and electrical work (electric control panel). The activity expanded to include the installation of whole oil and gas combustion systems with the construction of the required special equipment (heat exchangers, continuous flue gas analysis systems, automation systems using PLCs, etc.).
Following market changes the activity of SOCAL shifted to heating systems revamping within a consortium of installers (energy service contracts), whilst keeping the maintenance of the installed systems.
In 2005, based on the acquired extended field experience and knowledge, SLR developed trainings and seminars for professionals of heating and HVAC systems, both installers and designers. The company now organises and performs seminars and trainings upon continuous requests of several professional bodies and major companies in Italy. Some seminars and trainings are also provided in other European countries, in French and English.
Contact person:
Laurent Socal
SLR, Italy
Via Liberta 6,
Noventa di Piave,
30020, Italy